Crystal Meanings

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Garnets have been widely known for thousands of years. It is appealing due to its deep red color and multiple ways to use it in our daily life.

Garnet as a protection stone

This mineral has long been known as the stone of warriors, as soldiers from all over the world wore this crystal as a talisman against death and any harm. It is also claimed that the garnet brings victory, peace, and tranquility. In the past, knights wore garnet rings when going on a long journey to protect themselves from poisons.

The "lover" stone

The garnet is a crystal of romantic love and passion. It is used metaphysically to enhance sensuality, sexuality, and intimacy. It is said that the garnet brings positive thoughts and gives energy to its owner.

It is believed that when garnet is given as a gift, it symbolizes loyalty and affection. Garnets, especially red, stimulate sexuality, courage, will, endurance and self-confidence. It keeps its owner in a good mood, banishes sadness, brings joy, can re-ignite the fading love passions. The garnet is a mascot of sculptors, artists, poets, musicians, designers, directors, actors, ie. people whose success depends on commitment and passion.

Garnet for manifestations

This is a stone with excellent manifestation properties - in a magical way it can help build self-confidence, as well as bring success in the chosen profession. The Garnet is known as the stone of successful business. If your business is not as good as it would like it to be, just put three or more garnets on your desk and you will notice an improvement in the atmosphere and cash flow quite soon.

A garnet placed under the pillow will prevent bad dreams and nightmares. Also, Garnet worn as a gemstone in jewelry helps its owner to establish secure connections and relationships with others. Garnet helps to strengthen friendships, to remove any old grudges, and help us see the future.